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Our range of buses can cater from small to large groups and from day trips to multi-day requirements.
Most of our charters are within the Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and South Coast areas.
We even carry small caged animals on request. If you have a special request , just ask!
Complete the online form below or send us an email at, to get in touch!
“I would like to thank you very much for the great job you did in getting us to and from our cruise, in good time, and safely. We really appreciated the stops you made for us, the care taken with the older ladies, and their cases, and the great service, in general. It was a wonderful way to get 20 of us to the ship, on time, and to have some fun along the way … I would certainly recommend you to any other large group, who needed to be somewhere, on time, with a great deal of convenience!”
“Thank you both for helping make our trip to Canberra such a memorable one. We really appreciate all the extra things you do along the way to make sure everything runs smoothly. Most importantly your great sense of humour and compassion towards our students contributes towards making our time in Canberra such an enjoyable stay.”
GSLC and students